Dr. Blake Billings ‘77 Reflects on a Transformative Sabbatical





Dr. Blake Billings ‘77 Reflects on a Transformative Sabbatical

Dr. Blake Billings ‘77 recently returned from a deeply reflective and personally meaningful sabbatical, a journey that spanned multiple continents, offering a rare chance to step away briefly from the rigor of Abbey life and reconnect with family, friends, and his own life's trajectory.

The sabbatical began with a personal pilgrimage to Okinawa, where his son, Fenton '15, is stationed as a Marine. This visit aligned perfectly with Japan's cherry blossom season, though the crowds made it a bustling experience. Next, in Korea, Dr. Billings visited cherished family friends and also an adoption agency close to his heart. From there, his travels extended to Hawaii, where his father was once stationed at Pearl Harbor, a location that holds deep familial significance—two of his siblings were born there, making the trip a powerful moment of family reflection.

A highlight of the journey was Europe, a place with profound significance for Dr. Billings and his wife, Jillian. They first met in Belgium, where he pursued his Ph.D. in philosophy. "Life wasn’t planned this way," Dr. Billings reflects, "but I see it as grace to have had these global connections." A trip to Paris, prompted by an invitation from a friend, was a poignant reminder of the serendipitous nature of life and love.

As his youngest daughter Teresa ’20 graduated from college, Dr. Billings found himself reflecting deeply on how far his family has come. This sabbatical—his second in a 33-year career—was less about professional development in the traditional sense and more about integrating the personal with the professional. The time away allowed him to recalibrate his sense of purpose, shifting from the ambitions of early-career sabbaticals to one marked by reflection, presence, and awareness.

One vivid memory stands out: during his time in Japan, a tsunami warning blared while he and his son were out exploring. The Japanese Coast Guard quickly intervened, typing into Google Translate, "You must run away with us,” a startling reminder of life’s unpredictability.

Upon returning to Portsmouth Abbey this fall, Dr. Billings brings back not just stories of adventure, but a renewed sense of purpose. "I’ve come back with a deeper appreciation for the time I’ve had here and the time I have left," he says. His sabbatical reminded him that building presence and awareness is a gift anyone can embrace, particularly in the later stages of their career.

For Dr. Billings, the word "sabbatical" draws from the root "sabbath"—a time of rest, reflection, and meaning-making. He likens it to weaving threads of significance into the fabric of daily life. As he looks toward the next chapter at Portsmouth Abbey, he does so with a deeper appreciation of the ways both life and career are intertwined, making new meaning at every stage.