This is your time to shine! Our admissions process allows you to demonstrate your abilities, interests and desires to be a part of the Abbey community. We look forward to meeting you and your family soon.
Step 1: Create an online account |
Please create an online account to begin the inquiry and application process. This helps us get to know you and discover your interests.
Create An Account
Step 2: Schedule your campus tour and interview |
Excited by the idea of becoming a Raven? Let's get you on campus! Our Admissions Office hosts prospective students and their families on campus whenever school is in session, including Saturdays. Visits usually take 1.5 to 2 hours and include a student-led campus tour followed by an interview with a member of our Admissions Office. Appropriate attire for your campus visit is business casual. To schedule your visit, please fill out this form. Unable to visit in person? We also conduct interviews over Zoom.
Call: 401-643-1248
Step 3: Submit your standardized testing scores |
You may choose to submit your standardized test scores with your application for admission, however, excluding them will not impact your candidacy.
If you are applying for the Third or Fourth Form (9th or 10th grade), you may take the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) prior to January 31.
Submit your scores. Our school code is 5860.
If you are applying for the Fifth Form (11th grade) or higher we will accept the PSAT or SAT.
The (Test of English as a Foreign Language) TOEFL is required of all non-native English-speaking applicants.
Register for the test. Our school code is 2227.
Admission deadlines
January 15: All application materials for day students must be submitted.
January 31: All application materials for boarding students must be submitted.
January 31: All financial aid material for both boarding and day students must be submitted.
March 10: Notification of the admission decision.
April 10: Confirmation of enrollment is due.
*** All applications submitted after the January 31 deadline will be reviewed on a rolling admission basis.

What do you look for in an applicant? |
We’re looking for well-rounded students who will be interested in participating in all aspects of community life. This means students who are engaged in the classroom, passionate about extra-curricular activities and excited to live in a residential community. |
What are the classes like? |
Our classes are small and dynamic. Many of our teachers have advanced degrees in their fields and design their classes to excite and involve their students. Through class discussion, students also learn from each other and from the diverse perspectives they each bring to the table. |
Do you offer academic support? |
Yes, in many ways. Our teachers hold a conference period (think office hours) at least three times a week, which is a great opportunity to work on drafts or clarify lessons from class. We have a full-time study skills coordinator who can help our students with organizational and time management strategies. Lastly, we have a robust peer tutoring program. |
Classes on Saturday… really? |
Yes, but don’t worry; you’re done before lunch! Saturday classes help ensure that the social scene is on campus rather than most students going home each weekend. The downtime on weekends is truly one of the best parts of boarding school and is a chance to fully immerse yourself in a community of students from all over the world. |
What do students do on the weekends? |
Most of our students start their weekends with sports games on Saturday afternoons. From there, it is up to the individual. There are always events planned on campus and trips off campus, which are planned in part by our student social committee. That said, you’re also welcome to hang out in house common rooms or by the Bay with your friends. |
What is it like living in a dormitory-style house? |
Living in a house is one of the best parts of Portsmouth Abbey. Just imagine living with 30 of your best friends! Through living together and participating in Raven Cup competitions, each of our houses builds a strong sense of camaraderie and togetherness. Each house has at least three faculty members who also reside there, as well as a handful of selected student leaders (called prefects) to keep things running smoothly and keep morale high. |
Do you have an advisory program? |
Yes, we do. When you start at Portsmouth Abbey you’ll be grouped with a few other students in your Form and a faculty member. This group will stay together until you graduate from the Abbey allowing everyone to build trust and cohesion. Advisory groups hold weekly meetings but often meet up more often than that for things like cookouts or ice cream. This faculty member will be your mentor, your advocate and a primary point of contact for your parents. |
What is the food like? |
Portsmouth Abbey uses Sodexo for our food service. There are always lots of options: main course, hot sides, grilled items, soup of the day, sandwich bar, salad bar, cereal, fruit, etc. Even the pickiest of eaters can find something they like at each meal. There are professional bakers on the staff, so desserts are tasty too! |
What is the school day like? |
Students at the Abbey take four classes per day. The academic day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends by 2:55 p.m., at the latest. After your first two classes of the day, you will get a break for events like all-school assembly or advisory, which is followed by a conference period. After that, you will have your lunch block and two more classes. If you play an instrument, music block immediately follows your last class twice per week. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, classes finish earlier so that athletes can get to their games. Below is a sample Form III weekly schedule. |