Support | Portsmouth Abbey School, Rhode Island


Matching Gifts


Many gifts to Portsmouth Abbey are doubled, or even tripled, because corporations and foundations match gifts made by their employees, retirees and directors.

Typically, Portsmouth Abbey receives over $50,000 each year because our donors took the extra steps necessary to maximize their gifts by obtaining a matching gift form from a corporation or foundation with which they are affiliated. 

Please use the search tool below to see if your or your spouse's company will match your gift to Portsmouth Abbey School and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions needed to submit your matching gift.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Other ways to give

Your contribution, regardless of size or designation, holds significant value for Portsmouth Abbey School. Whether you choose to make a large, unrestricted gift or opt for a more targeted donation, your support is instrumental in advancing the school's mission and empowering students. 

By generously donating to Portsmouth Abbey School and joining our Annual Fund initiative, you play a vital role in ensuring that current students have access to an unparalleled educational experience.


The majority of gifts received by Portsmouth Abbey are outright cash contributions. Cash gifts can be made by check or credit card. Checks should be made out to Portsmouth Abbey School and sent to: 

Portsmouth Abbey School 

Office of Development and Alumni Affairs 

285 Cory's Lane 

Portsmouth, RI 02871 

Please indicate the purpose of your gift in your cover letter or in the memo section of your check (e.g. Annual Fund). 

Credit Card 

Portsmouth Abbey accepts credit card donations made with MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Our secure online server is the quickest and easiest means of making a gift to Portsmouth Abbey. Confirmation will be emailed immediately once the credit card information has been submitted. Donors can make online gifts by visiting our Make A Gift page. 

Recurring Credit Card 

Donors also have the option of making monthly gifts. Instead of making a one-time, larger gift, you can make regular and affordable gifts to Portsmouth Abbey School over time. Visit the Online Gift page and tell us the amount and how often you would like to make a gift. It will then be automatically deducted from your credit card on the 15th of every month. With recurring gifts, your regular contributions add up over time, making a lasting impact. If you have any questions about this method of payment, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 401-643-1269.   

Portsmouth Abbey accepts Venmo. Make a gift through our secure Venmo account @thePortsmouthAbbeySchool or by searching "thePortsmouthAbbeySchool”. 

Portsmouth Abbey is now accepting gifts via cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. We invite our alumni and community to support Portsmouth Abbey in ways that best suit their passions and philanthropic goals. 

Donating cryptocurrency directly to Portsmouth Abbey School is more tax efficient and can save you money.  

Give Crypto Now 

What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency, also known as Virtual Currency or “Crypto,” is a digital asset designed to function as an alternative to sovereign fiat currency (US Dollars, for example) whereby transactions between two parties are verified through a public, distributed ledger, also known as a blockchain. Most people think of Bitcoin and/or Ethereum when they hear the word “Crypto,” and while Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and most widely followed, Portsmouth Abbey School now accepts over 40 cryptocurrencies. If you do not see yours listed on the Crypto giving page, please email us at to see if we can accommodate your specific cryptocurrency. 

Is it safe?
As with any form of electronic payment or transaction, there are risks, however, our vendor Engiven has created certain safeguards they believe are needed to ensure that the transaction is secure. With the transfer of cryptocurrency from donor to nonprofit, Engiven believes the transaction can actually be more secure than many other forms of payment, provided certain protocols are followed: 1) By using the Engiven platform, both the nonprofit and the donor are required to undergo a simple but effective Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) screening which provides a high level of background security to ensure both parties are properly screened. 2) As with any cryptocurrency transaction, when transferring your tokens to Portsmouth Abbey's wallet to make a donation, do not expose or share your wallet’s private keys at any time. 

Is it legal?
Yes. It is lawful for a nonprofit to accept a donation in the form of cryptocurrency. On March 2014, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruled that Bitcoin is treated as property for tax purposes (IRS Notice 2014-21). 

Is my gift refundable?
In accordance with Portsmouth Abbey School Gift Acceptance Policy, all contributions of cryptocurrency are converted to cash immediately upon acceptance and cannot be refunded for any reason. 

Can I give anonymously?
While we are happy to honor requests for public anonymity, Portsmouth Abbey School requests all donors who make a charitable contribution identify themselves for tax purposes. If requested, we will not add your name to our online Donor Honor Roll, nor will your name be listed in our Annual Report. 

How Can I Designate My Donation to a Certain Program or Fund?
If you would like to designate your cryptocurrency gift to a specific Portsmouth Abbey fund, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 401-643-1269. 

How Will My Donation Be Treated for Federal Tax Purposes?
For U.S. tax purposes, transactions using virtual currency must be reported in U.S. dollars. Therefore, taxpayers will be required to determine the fair market value of virtual currency in U.S. dollars as of the date of donation. If a virtual currency is listed on an exchange and the exchange rate is established by market supply and demand, the fair market value of the virtual currency is determined by converting the virtual currency into U.S. dollars (or into another real currency which in turn can be converted into U.S. dollars) at the exchange rate, in a reasonable manner that is consistently applied. Donors who give cryptocurrency donations to Portsmouth Abbey School will receive an electronic donation receipt (through the Engiven donation platform) in US dollars with comprehensive details about each transaction. 

Donor Advised Funds

To make a gift from your Donor Advised Fund, contact your Fund Administrator and have them send the gift to: 

Portsmouth Abbey School 

Office of Development and Alumni Affairs 

285 Cory's Lane 

Portsmouth, RI 02871 

Please indicate the purpose of your gift in your cover letter (e.g., Annual Fund). 

wire transfer & stocks
To make a wire transfer or a gift of securities, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at: 401-643-1269. 
Gifts in Kind and Other Assets 
Other assets that can be used to fund these and other gifts include real estate (commercial or residential); art, books or collections; life insurance; and retirement plan assets. For more information, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs:401-643-1281.