Planning Your Visit
Check out our recommendations for where to stay, eat and play. As always with tourist towns, we advise booking any reservations in advance of your trip. Questions? Contact Meghan Fonts, Director of Parent Relations.
Hotels and Attractions
Next Steps: Enroll
- Login to your Veracross Admission Portal.
- Complete the enrollment checklist.
- Sign the contract and pay the deposit.
Questions? Contact Amy Welshman, Admissions Coordinator.

Welcome, Parents
Raven parents, we haven't forgotten about you! We're excited for your child to take the next step in their education here at Portsmouth Abbey.
Questions? Contact Meghan Fonts, Director of Parent Relations
Student Instagram Takeovers
@abbeyravens #alwaysaraven #lifeonthelane
Over the next few weeks, current Ravens will take over the Abbey's Instagram Stories to show you what a typical day looks like on campus and answer your questions about student life!
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